
  • Sunshine and Buttercup Therapy Services require a minimum of two business days (48 hours) notice for appointments to be cancelled without a charge. If less than two business days’ notice is given, this is called a Short Notice Cancellation. Sunshine and Buttercup Therapy Services can claim the full amount of the agreed fee associated with the participant’s NDIS Plan or cancellation invoice for our private paying clients.

    If participants cancel appointments within the Short Notice Cancellation period three times within an eight-week period, Sunshine and Buttercup Therapy Services will review the participant’s services and seek to understand why the cancellations are occurring.

    Unfortunately, there are times when the practitioner may need to cancel appointments with short notice. When a practitioner needs to cancel an appointment with short notice, the participant will not be charged a fee.

  • Sunshine and Buttercup Therapy Services understands the importance of confidentiality andwill not release personal information without consent. Sunshine and Buttercup Therapy do not keep hardcopy documents containing personal information at our office.

    All personal information is kept on computer files through our Dropbox and Splose software systems. Sunshine and Buttercup Therapy Services will provide a ‘Consent to Share’ document authorising Sunshine and Buttercup Therapy Services to access and share information with other allied health providers and educators who are involved with the participant. This extends to the NDIS.

  • Sunshine and Buttercup Therapy Services is committed to upholding individual’s rights to make their own decisions and receive support when needed. Our Decision Making and Consent Policy aligns with the NDIS National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013, the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Framework, and relevant NDIS Rules and Guidelines.

    We support families with children and young adults aged 0-25 years, understanding that parents, carers, and guardians will make decisions for those under 18 or individuals with appointed guardians. Our policy ensures that decisions made on behalf of children and those with guardians prioritise their rights, safety, and well-being. We also recognise and respect the rights of children to consent to participate in programs and supports offered by our services.

  • Sunshine and Buttercup Therapy Services is dedicated to promoting and protecting the human and legal rights of people with disabilities. We support disability advocacy, empowering individuals to speak up and fully participate in their communities. We work collaboratively with any advocate nominated by our participants, treating them with the utmost respect.

    We recognise and uphold the right of the participants to have an advocate represent them in matters such as assessments, reviews, incidents, complaints, and all communications with our services. We ask our participants to notify us as soon as possible if they wish to have an advocate or help to find an advocate for them.